One day a neighbor seen a staff member of Connections talking to two of the tenants when another tenant walk in to the room downstairs Marino stop talking what was this staff member hiding the clients who came in had her own mind also understood that there was something wrong with the building management as well as I.. Towards the end of the month the building went through a change of locks of the doors also the hold building. I as a tenant also have the reasoning that something is wrong with the management.
I notice that a company called "La force" had a big truck outside there were two men also Dave Marino plus two other men in which was to complete the changing of the building one of the men paid close attention of my every movements also another client who spoke his mine recently die they say it was a heart attack but I suspect it was more than that he had a talk with two of the higher up of Connections a week later he die.
I have heard of some companies doing some criminals tactics of removing some tenant for personal gain or even theft of properties of tenants which I have experience in Arizona I also seen this happen to some clients of Connections also who I have been signed up with" Moreno kept asking the head man for duplicates of the keys as far as I am concerned Dave Moreno is part of the problem and not part of a solution I have seen Connections first hand along with other staff members use clients for illegal activities along with two of the directors knowledge which is Becky Feiler also Ph.D Paul Selden shortly after the lock was changed.
Another tenant of Connections started to come around visiting a neighbor which is next door to me this is how Connections work they purposely place me in the middle of a hot spot I ask the neighbor when did she meet this man she told me she met this person through another neighbor from the second floor in which is the same neighbor in which Dave Moreno was taking to the day another neighbor in which walk into the conference room downstairs and Moreno became silent as soon as she entered the room.
The police were called on the 5th of Dec 2010 which was a Sunday because of this person using tenants for her drug addiction plus this person is very sick with a virus and is very close to another tenant who is a nurse in which cooks for some of the tenants in the building her boyfriend is next to also a tenant who ID me for some gang bangers when I file a law suit on some crooked police officers in 023 district.
Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that Moreno still has power to still enter apartments to Connections clients also tenants of this building of which belongs to H.O.D.C, the only thing is now, is who will have a duplicate I suspect that since Dave Triplet might be moving which has been seen leaving my apartment with a box by another tenant also was moved also there was a person that was my caseworker
Name Mary Adam Rice after she ask me for loans from me also ask me to switch bank accounts to her bank in which she said was a Fifth Third bank also I had her faxes some papers to Washington D.C when my reply came back the name had a Renalt Williams on it also when I had her order a free Government phone for me the same name appeared on the box of the phone in which did not work something is wrong with this picture.
How could she not know my name she sometimes ask me to ride with her on certain air-ons so how could she forget how to spell my name I suspect fraud the computer that was giving to me by Connections which Dave Moreno gave to me after a long ordeal I had been writing a book but the computer that Connections gave to me would not allow me to delete my micro-soft-words documents off of it, Also my apartment
Would be entered my computer would be moved out from the wall when I would returned into my apartment as I said I suspect that one of the tenants that they had control over would have a duplicated key you see on the north wall in the next apartment; is a tenant that uses the back door most of the time very secretively on the south wall in the next apartment is a the person that I had mention earlier in which a Connection client met through a second floor tenant in which police was out Sunday for a compliant of theft also using a tenant for
Her drug habit this is not by coincident this was planed I suspect from Connections the one and only Dave Moreno also the directors because they can't do jack without the approval of the directors. Directly across the hall from me is a tenant also a client of Connections who is related to and officer of Evanston police department this was planed also I suspect that it stems from my filing on the crooked police officers but;
I suspect that it even came from believe or not from the very same people that I went to help for first a Senator who was up for election then to a Ms.Janise Finney of human resources of Uptown shortly after that I was harass by crooked cops after I left the salvation Army on Sunny-side and went to a Lincoln park shelter then to a crooked hotel called the Norman house which was raned ny a crooked manager also Lincoln Park shelter which is a connection of the Presbyterian Churches in Evanston in which I met a David Handly
A pastor in which also has been moved but before he was moved I met a Annette Zoirior Branden who wanted to help with my manuscript but took all of the crooks out of my manuscript who I was introduce to by a person who be-friended me named Rodney Moore in which was permanently removed for life because of his knowledge of this corrupt crew called Connections, aka, Entry Point aka, Hilda's Place also his partner in
Crime a Billy Ray Thomas who also tried to be-friend me and of course the directors Beck Feiler also Paul Selden of Connection. Rodney knew to much about this group to let him live he understood how the corruption was played out. I suspect this is one of the reasons that Connections wondered what I was writing about. Rodney had told Paul Selden that I had put him in my book also as I said when Rodney had a meeting with one of the higher ups weeks later he was dead they said he had a heart attack but I suspect it was more to it than that; why more of connections clients had recently died upon moving into their apartments.
Plus when connections ask for a signature for your medical history there are many ways that you can make it look like and accident and blame it on your medical history" I suspect that I was suppose to be first and that is one of the reasons that I was place in a hot spot by Becky Feiler also Paul Selden they are crooks one more thing that I notice and that is all of these people had gotten on S.S.I go figure.